
Pilates Home Practice

How do you want to feel in 2023?

Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read

It's the end of another year. How are you, Reader?

Are you the kind of person that does inventory? Do you take the time to look back and celebrate your triumphs, ponder the things that failed and dream about what you'll upgrade in the new year?

Everyone has a different way of doing it and who knows what works best.

One year I scribbled on some scrap paper as I shivered in my freezing car, waiting for my children to have enough of sliding down a snowy slope on inner tubes with their cousins.

I think that was the first year after having kids that I had even that uncomfortable, solitary moment to think things through and plan my life and business going forward.

Things don't always turn out the way you hope they will and looking back at difficult circumstances of the recent past is a humbling challenge.

But I think it's well worth it whether you half ass it and cry alone in your car like I did that winter or do it in community with a powerful coach and some badass contemporaries like I did a week ago.

It you don't take a moment to look back and see where you came from you miss some amazing accomplishments.

This happens with my students all the time. They start feeling great and they forget that when they first came into the studio or joined one of my programs they were in constant pain and had some significant limitations.

It's wonderful that the human brain and body can be present with the good feelings now and not get stuck in past problems. But it's important to remember how far we've come which is why I take pictures and videos of my student's progress.

It helps us see and celebrate the commitment to our dedicated efforts over time, when we might downplay them otherwise. It helps us see that with practice we improve. And it helps us remember that we must not forget the small shifts we need to keep taking if we don't want to backslide into the pain and restriction that kept us from living our best, most active lives.

Looking back at 2022 made me realize what a rich life I lead, how many amazing opportunities I had and what good fortune I sometimes take for granted. It lit a fire under me to make 2023 my best year yet.

Seeing the peaks laid out on a spreadsheet made remembering the pits and valleys less agonizing.

I turn 60 in early 2023 and I plan to take the third third of my time here on earth by storm. Watch out, I've got big plans.

I'll be inviting you along so get ready!!

Pilates Home Practice

Kristen Iuppenlatz Grech

Feel so good you'll dance in your kitchen! Simple shifts will make a huge impact as you become aware of the daily postural patterns that keep you in pain and add bite-size exercises into the things you're already doing everyday. Soon you'll feel lighter on your feet and you'll bounce and glide through your day.

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