7 really good reasons to dance in your kitchen 💃 🕚

Almost everyday I notice someone walking down the street with what looks to me like an obvious compensation pattern. They are limping or hunched over or rotated in one direction. Sometimes they're hiking their hip or swinging their leg around to manage each step.

I've trained my eye to see it and I practice imagining the simplest, most straight forward way to make an impactful shift. I squelch my impulse to tap them on the shoulder and give them advice on the street. ðŸĪŠ

The patterns are subtle to the rest of the world. But once you see it you can't unsee it.


When your wonky movement pattern (especially if it's causing you pain) is brought to your attention and you feel it, it's powerful.


We unknowingly hold on to patterns that aren't benefitting us because our bodies are designed for efficiency. If we sprain an ankle as a kid, our brain creates a work around so we can keep moving as we heal.

Our strong capable muscles take over and the injured muscles or tendons may never get fully re-integrated into our gait or daily movement patterns unless we make a concentrated effort to discover the imbalance and train the under utilized parts to come back online.


So often in the studio a client in their 60's or 70's will say something like, "oh that's weak from where I fell off the rock when I was hiking in my 20's". Those injuries stay with us on a deep level even if the event is a distant memory.

I've spent the last 25 years becoming the most effective movement strategist I can be.

When I first started practicing Pilates (and even 10 years after becoming a teacher) I experienced some pain after almost every class or session. I didn't know how to let go of my bracing muscles and move with ease. I didn't even know it was a possibility until I met the right mentors. Thank goodness for them! I'm so happy I kept searching.

Now I want to pass it on.

My favorite way to make crucial shifts in activities of daily living is to integrate more balanced movement into the things I'm already doing everyday. It just takes a moment over time to create lasting change.

The most fun way to integrate better movement into your daily life is to make it fun! That's why I recommend dancing in your kitchen (or wherever you want to dance, bedrooms, bathrooms and living rooms work just as well!)

It doesn't have to be good dancing. Just some hip gliding, a few shoulder circles and a step or two to the side will do you a world of good.


I created a mini course to get you started and to give you some ideas. Want it? Just a simple click will take you right there.

Click below to access the mini course (pdf and videos):





Pilates Home Practice

Feel so good you'll dance in your kitchen! Simple shifts will make a huge impact as you become aware of the daily postural patterns that keep you in pain and add bite-size exercises into the things you're already doing everyday. Soon you'll feel lighter on your feet and you'll bounce and glide through your day.

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