
Pilates Home Practice

how're you feeling?

Published over 2 years ago • 2 min read

Hi there Reader,

How's your body feeling?

That's what I ask all my students when we meet for an alignment, gait or Pilates session. It's a starting point for our lesson that day. We always begin where they are.

I've noticed new clients are mostly not used to paying attention to their bodies. They push through pain. Just get through the day because it seems impossible to stop what they're doing and notice. There's just too much to do. And if they did, then what? They've tried so many things that haven't worked. They believe they have to put up with the pain, so taking a moment to listen to their body seems likely to be in vain.

Is this you too?

That was sure my experience. I was told years ago that I would always feel pain in my neck and upper back after 2 car accidents.

A doctor told me this! I realize now that he didn't have the ability to help me. He said "maybe you could get a massage or try yoga. It's soft tissue damage so I can't help you."

I carried that information with me for years and believed I would have to put up with the stabbing pain behind my shoulder blade, the stiff necks and numb fingers. Even as I became a Pilates instructor and felt much stronger overall, I accepted the fact that the pain could never be fully alleviated.

Now I know about the nocebo affect and realize doctors should be more careful of what they say because it holds so much power.

I'm lucky that I started on a path of exploration that led me to teachers who taught me about embodiment. They showed me how to release tension and naturally activate deep postural support.

My pain went away.

Sometimes it comes back if I'm stressed and don't take the time to listen to my body. But now I have the skills to quickly adjust my old patterns of tension and fear and my body responds fast.

I'm never more satisfied than when a student finds their particular shortcut to less pain and more ease.

I know first hand how powerful and transformative that can be.

One of the silver linings of the pandemic has been that I've learned how to help students through technology. There was a learning curve but I found some amazing tools that help me feel more confident in my capability than ever. In fact, I use the visual feedback from video for in-studio clients now too. It's so helpful.

I'm offering $200 off my postural alignment session package through January 15th. Have you ever wondered how your postural patterns and habits are affecting the way you feel? You'll be amazed how quickly a small shift creates more ease in your body. I hope you'll check it out.

My new year's wish for you is that you allow yourself a moment to feel the weight of your body drop into gravity . To feel your breath come fully into your back and side ribs as your shoulders fall away from your ears. Can you release some of the tension that holds you hostage?

I hope so.

May you find the time to soften into peace this fast paced season and experience moments of immense joy in the new year.

With love (and a 2 minute video to help you release your shoulders),


Want to book a 20 minute chat to see what I've got planned for 2022 and how it might be just the thing to have you feeling your best?

p.s. I've got 2 end of the year specials that will go fast. $200 off my Virtual Postural Analysis Sessions and a $150 bonus for the group program I'm starting in February. Want to learn more? Check out my new website!

p.p.s. I meant it when I asked, "how're you feeling?" I really want to know. Hit reply and let it out.

Pilates Home Practice

Kristen Iuppenlatz Grech

Feel so good you'll dance in your kitchen! Simple shifts will make a huge impact as you become aware of the daily postural patterns that keep you in pain and add bite-size exercises into the things you're already doing everyday. Soon you'll feel lighter on your feet and you'll bounce and glide through your day.

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