
Pilates Home Practice

I have the best idea!

Published about 2 years ago • 2 min read

When I sent you my news about the 5 session posture and gait analysis package I created, a lot of you were interested. I could tell because you clicked links and thought about setting up an appointment to talk to me about it. A few of you were ready. You clicked, set up a chat and booked your sessions. The shifts that have been happening are amazing and inspiring!

I'm so excited about the work I'm doing lately!!! I love seeing my student's get out of pain fast and get back to living more freely. They are hiking, dancing, gardening, riding horses and swimming with more ease and joy than ever.

I know that you probably need this work. Frankly, I think all of us do. Especially after the last 2 years of sitting around staring at screens and eating too many treats (or is that just me?)

What I provide, that I don't see anyone else offering, is a chance to really be seen and have a movement program created specifically for you and what you're feeling and going through right now. The feedback that you get about your tension patterns and unconscious imbalances is profound and the digital aspect helps you really own the transformation because you're in control.

So.... what I'm thinking of doing is creating a group program that still gives you the individual attention you desire and deserve but gives you a break on the investment because we'll do the workshops together.

What do you think?

If that sounds interesting I'd love to have you join me. In exchange for your input and feedback on this inaugural opportunity I'll give you a rock bottom price.

I'll probably offer a couple of scholarships too, so if finances are tight, let me know and we'll discuss whether you're a good fit.

What it will look like:

  • An initial posture and gait analysis and 1 hour individual session to help you see what I see and investigate how small shifts can give you big results to move you away from chronic pain and into feeling so good you'll dance in your kitchen!

  • 6 weekly hour and a half workshops to delve into curiosity, exploration and integration. All recorded so you can watch (and re-watch) at your convenience if you can't join live.

  • Q and A sessions so you can ask questions about your experience and get my expert feedback. I'll even create exercise videos specifically for your needs.

  • A final digital analysis so you can see the side-by-side before and after difference your practice has made.

  • Maybe a few dance parties too!

It's at least an $850 value that I'm dropping to only $350 for this first go around. If you already know you want to join this small, exclusive coaching group and want to ensure a spot, you can send your Venmo payment to @Kristen-Iuppenlatz.

Oooh, I really hope you want to come along, I've got so much good stuff to share.

Hit reply and and let's talk. I'll tell you all about it.

With love and gratitude,


Pilates Home Practice

Kristen Iuppenlatz Grech

Feel so good you'll dance in your kitchen! Simple shifts will make a huge impact as you become aware of the daily postural patterns that keep you in pain and add bite-size exercises into the things you're already doing everyday. Soon you'll feel lighter on your feet and you'll bounce and glide through your day.

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